
Jazz and Vivi

A woman who obviously likes to tease men
Operative: VV, GEM agent

Also known as: Vivi, Vivienne Verreau, the infamous grandmamasan, "chouchou"

Assignment: Free a SEAL from Interpol jail, then lead a herd of goats...I mean, a group of fine SEALs...into a pretend gang-war

Talents: Speaks French, expert at disguises

Intel: Oh all right, sometimes she looks like this: part French, part Cambodian; very focused on her job; very loyal to her friends; sympathetic to, and fiercely protective of, orphans and young Asian girls of mixed heritage; an unflailing commitment to do the right thing

Favorite thing in the world: listening to Jazz sing, although she still thinks he really need to practice the Da Nhat a LOT more

To read how she teases poor Jazz, click:

A man well known for his respect for women
Operative: Jazz Zeringue, navy SEAL

Real name, Zola Zeringue, shhhhhhhh....

Assignment: stringing explosives on a bridge to activate between two moving trucks without injuring certain people, including goats.

Talents: A combat strategist, coordinating a battle like a symphony.

Intel: Hawk McMillan's best friend, comes from a large family that includes eight sisters and one brother. His brother, Zippy Zeringue, is an Airborne Ranger. Musically inclined.

Most favorite thing in the world: making a certain "old lady" who tricked him into kissing her a very, very happy woman.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

she looks just like i thought she would
and boy is jazz CUTE

11/23/2006 1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks gennita !

11/23/2006 1:31 PM  

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